Friday, March 1, 2024

Deep Thoughts by Thorbjörn Jötnarsson

Thorbjörn Jötnarsson sits alone in the cave he's called home since returning to the Spine of the World nearly a decade ago. "I wonder whatever happened to my old friends," he muses. "I hope they either died gloriously or are living the lives of their dreams." Thorbjörn sighs, "I'm bored.  Maybe I should try to find them..." 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Golden Road (to unlimited devotion)

You stand in the cold dragon tomb, as the ghostly voice continues.  “Go to Taldor.  Find out what has happened to Lady LaShonna.  Find Stavian’s orb.  Then find a way to bring them together and stop this madness.”  Then, inexplicably, Wong approaches the shining golden column.  The voice speaks for a final time.  “The council will help you get there.  Tell councilor Trevek to give you the chest.  Show him the mark.”  Without warning, Wong puts his forehead on the column.  His body shakes with shock, and he flies backwards 5 feet, unconscious.  The column no longer glows…but your companion has a golden star like symbol tattooed to his forehead.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

My God, it's full of ships....

The whistle calls again as Captain Howdy turns from Kulman and pulls his telescope from his belt.  He looks intently through the lenses.  "No, not a blockade, more of just a bunch of ships anchored.  No guns, no nothing."  He moves the telescope from side to side.  "No wait...there is something.  Smoke, coming from the island."  He barks a command to his crew.  "Someone find me what the hells is going on over there."  With that, a man dives into the water, swimming quickly towards the closest boat.  The captain turns to you all.  "Whatever it is, we'll know soon enough..."

Thursday, October 9, 2014

"I'm on a Boat!" (Reprise)

As you all huddle in the center in the cave (around a passed out Kulman), Echean pulls a familiar wand from his pack.  "Hold on, now this may sting" he says, followed by some magic words that sound like "Ala Bazam".

An odd sensation takes hold of you as you feel insubstantial for a moment, as you find yourself being thrown from your feet unexpectedly as the ground you stand on seems to be in constant sway.  As you get your bearings, you realize that you are ass first on the deck of a ship, which seems to be caught in a storm.  Deckhands approach you, followed by an unpleasant looking fellow with a bandana that hangs over his eye.  He looks at you all, then a piece of paper.

With a gnarled voice he barks loudly, so as to be heard over the crashing waves on the deck, "Which one uhz uz is Broadtoad?" 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Kulman returns...

Kulman walks back into the cave.... "Hey Guys... Well..."  Hicup..  "It's done.. We have a boat waiting for us in Deep... Dep... Deerp-Mar.. A captain named Howdy is going to let us catch a ride to Promise.. That's in Hermea.. I learned that..  Wow, I need to sleep....."

With that Kulman goes to his sleeping bag and passes out, in full armor...

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let us put the cards on the table, I am no longer a Squire....

Kulman smiles a bit, remembering the words of his truest friend, "the world is grey"......

"Ty'wina, you make some great observations, and some poor ones.  I am no longer simply a squire, I am a Dragon Knight.  These, my companions are the Dragon Knights of Belhaim.  You are correct we watched the Tower of the Ten fall from inside the Grand Lodge.  We made entry into the famed vaults of the Deceimverate.  We witnessed grand-masters fall all to complete a task.  This task, which we still are upon today, has a payment that is immeasurable.  Gold, Gems, Lands, Titles, they are nothing without Power.  
There are those in this land that are shaking the balance of power across the land, and if you are not already one of their kind; then they will subjugate you, me, and everyone.  No longer will there be coin to be made; no longer will there be bounties to be collected.  What I offer you is your way of life.  Your life's work could cease, as could mine, as could my companions. 

A secretive and deeply religious group is claiming Magic for themselves; they are taking Power from others and keeping it for themselves.  Their God is not as noble as the Great Gorum, but a primeavil abomination that thrives on destruction and chaos.  Once this group, who call themselves the Children, have accumulated all of the Magic in the world their Dark God will be released and no longer will profits flow like the blood of your enemies.  No longer will rich men have coin to spend on their desires.  No longer will the world need groups like ours.  Subjugation, Slavery, Chains, that is all that will be left for all of us.  You and I will be able to stand against them for some time, but they will control all Magic – Divine and Arcane.  They will have stripped Innaris of her destructive forces, they will have removed Echean’s power over time and space.  For those like you and I, we will be able to fight, but we will not heal, we will not be able to move freely throughout the world, and eventually we will fall, not only our way of life, but our very being.  My companions and I are on their trail, we know what it is they seek, and we will stop them.  I have requested your help, as an equal, to help us save this world.  To save our way of life.  To be heroes, even though the world may not see it, may not thank us, it is what we will be… and did I mention they are rich??
So what do you say, do you have a desire to help in some way?  It is in your best interest, as well as mine… But I would humbly ask you to not call me a Squire.  It is true, once, I was your Squire.  You gave me knowledge, harsh lessons, and protected me and for that I will always be grateful.  I will always call you a friend.  But I am no longer a Squire.  I am a Knight…… Azuzu”

With that single word a Winged Dragon leaps from Kulman’s Chest Piece and Kulman in a swift motion mounts Azuzu with his shield gleaming in the candle light of the small cave..

“ A Dragon Knight. One that is asking for old friends to become new companions… Are you with me?”…

Monday, September 29, 2014

Now I dialed 911 a long time ago...

Kulman’s voice seems to seep into the cold air beyond the cave.  For a few moments, nothing happens.  Then there is the smell of burnt sugar.  Then a voice, almost the echo of a whisper, then getting louder, as if approaching quickly.

“Godsdamned, Echean….what the fuck are you doing!?”  a female voice says, the whisper almost becoming a scream.

Suddenly, appearing out of the thin cold air,  standing between you and Kulman are three figures, all facing you.  A female Halfling with a light cloak, a tall female woman, heavily armored, a greatsword on her back, and a tall dark haired elf, holding a wand in his hand
The Halfling speaks in the same angry voice heard earlier, then rolls her eyes.  “Son of a bitch!  Seriously Echean?!?” she spits, as if annoyed, as she draws a rapier.  In one swift action, the tall human pulls her sword from her back.  The Halfling looks at your group, clearly sizing you up before saying...
“Alright, who in the fuck are you people?”